Extract and download documents from The American Presidency Project
Cite this software
If you use this add-on as part of your research, please cite the following reference:
Moncomble, F. (2024). APP_Extractor (Version 0.7.2) [JavaScript]. Arras, France: Université d’Artois. Available from: https://fmoncomble.github.io/APP_extractor/ (First version 2023)
Firefox (recommended)
Chrome / Edge
- Download the zip package;
- Unzip the archive;
- Open the extension manager (
or edge://extensions
- Enable “Developer mode”;
- Click “Load unpacked” and load the unzipped folder.
- Navigate to The American Presidency Project and perform a search (simple or advanced);
- At the top of the list of search results, choose the desired file format (.txt for simple text files or .xml) and click “Extract & Download”;
- A zip file called “Archive.zip” is downloaded, containing files with the full text of the documents listed in the search page;
- Repeat for each page of search results;
- Unzip the archives. The texts are named YYYY-MM-DD_Author which allows for easy chronological sorting.